Jumat, 16 Desember 2016

It’s your last meal on earth – what do you choose?

Assalammualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

If asked to choose a last meal what I wanted to eat on earth, I chose the 4 healthy 5 perfect food. Which made me choose it is the food that is easy to obtain, and also ensure the health. Since childhood we were taught in school term 4 healthy 5 perfect food that describe the nutritional content of human ideal. 4 healthy food consists of rice, side dishes, vegetables and fruits are the perfect 5 milk. Rice is a source of carbohydrates, side dishes as protein, vegetables and buaha minaral fruits as a vitamin.
 Healthy Four Five Perfect is a campaign organized by the government since 1955 to make the public understand the correct diet. In the concept of 4 healthy 5 perfect, the food was divided in four sources of essential nutrients, which is the staple food, side dishes, vegetables, fruits, and refined with milk if able, to five perfect.
4 healthy 5 perfect consisting of: (1) staple foods (rice, corn, sago, cassava or tubers and grain). (2) the side dishes (meat (chicken, beef, lamb, fish, and ducks), eggs and tofu or tempeh. (3) vegetables (kale, collards, turnips, beans, tomatoes, spinach, broccoli, etc. ). (4) fruits (orange, apple, mangosteen, soursop, grapes, litchi and avocado. (5) milk (almond milk, soy milk, goat's milk and cow's milk.
The reason is what made me choose 4 healthy 5 perfect as the last meal on earth.

maybe it's just that I can say, thank you.

Wassalammualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

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